Monday, March 21, 2011

Bird 2

This is a ostrich. They can be up to 7 ft tall and 3 ft long. They feed on grass and plants. They are hunted by cougars, vulchers, and snakes. There fur is a dark brown color with a white tail and neck. They can weigh up to 150 pounds. I was walking around one day and saw a ostrich standing in the grass and eating.

Bird 1

This is a vulcher. They are usually all black and there eyes and fur are a brownish. They feed on dead animals and are feed on by Cougers but are mainly killed by humans. They can be no more than 4 ft tall but they are usually about 3 ft long. I was looking into the sky one day and saw a flock of vulchers flying around.

Mammal 4

This is a wolf. They are usually a dark gray color. There eyes are bright orange. They can be up to 5 ft long and about 3 ft tall. They hunt mainly meat with some plants and vegetables. They are untied by vultures. The name of there young is called a cub. I was walking around one day and ran into a wolf.

Mammal 3

This is a cougar. They mostly a dark orange color and there eyes are a darker brown color. They mainly eat rodents and bugs and are usually hunted by very poisiness snakes. They can grow up to 6 ft long and about 3 feet tall. I saw a cougar out in the woods way off in the distance.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mammal 2

This is a Ram. They can be as tall as 5 ft and about 6 feet long. They feed on grass and insects. There young is called goats. They are in the middle of the food chain and they are hunted by snakes and birds. They can weigh up too 125 pounds they can be compared to a small horse. I was outside looking at the moon and I saw a ram out in the distance.

Mammal 1

This is a armadillo. It can be not much taller than a foot and a half and three feet long. It feeds on grass and a few plants. There young is also called armadillos. They are hunted by vulchers and snakes. The eye color is usually a brownish color along with it's tail and fur. They can weigh up to 75 pounds.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cool water facts about the Ohio river

The Ohio river is 205 miles long and flows from west to east. The river basin is surrounded by many forests and lakes. It took us about 1 week to travel the river then it empties out into the Mississippi river.

Water on the way (Ohio river)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Transportation facts

My horse and wagon is made up of a home made wagon of wood and is covered by a wool cloth. The most we could travel in one day was about 45 miles then the horses will become extremely tired. The ride everyday was good since nothing really happened so it was a easy ride. The best part was when we traveled in the evening and we saw the beautiful sunset over the horizon. The worst part was every 5 miles we had to stop and get out to feed our horses and rest.
